"In difficult times, the realization that there are no other options can
cause us to cling to the Lord. A second motivator is the fear of the Lord, which involves a holy
fear of his displeasure. (not necessarily hers or anyone else's -she is not
Jesus though I must try to discern when God is speaking through her,
certainly!). The third biblical motivator is a growing response of love
and gratitude as we come to see God's gracious actions and provisions in new
ways. Scripture also encourages us to pursue the rewards that our Lord
will give to those who have been faithful to the opportunities they have been
given. As we grow in our understanding of our security and significance
in Christ, we come to view sin as beneath our dignity we have in him. A
biblical sense of purpose and hope can also contribute to our spiritual
fidelity. Finally, the psalmist and great saints were also motivated by a
longing for God above any of his gifts."
~ Ken Boa Conformed To His Image
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